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Healed & Happy program

This program will be your pathway to heal the fearful avoidant attachment style. Sign up for this unique and interactive program & your healing journey will start..!

Healing the Fearful Avoidant icon

Are you a fearful avoidant?

It’s easy to miss, super confusing and therefore so valuable to know if you are actually a fearful avoidant! You will find out through te Quiz when you press the button below. 

This quiz is meant to inform, not to diagnose.

Discover your healing journey


The Healed & Happy program is developed by Paulien Timmer, author of 2 books & the
nr 1 'doubt coach' of the Netherlands.

 - MSc Health and Society
- Gottman's '7 Principles for Making Marriage Work' Educator
- Gottman's Clinical Therapy Level 1
Attachment & Trauma - International Trauma Training Institute

And... is a very happy wife (and mother!) after her own healing journey of doubts and struggles with the fearful avoidant attachment style.


Healing is a personal process.
A lot of people are on different stages
and take different routes. That's logical and so important as well. We want to honor that process by providing an interactive tool that will help you walk your own path at your own pace.

That's why this fearful avoidant program is mainly developed around a tailormade app that will suit your path and the steps you take. It almost feels like you have a 24/7 guide with you that is accessible when you need it!


Paulien has developed 2 successful programs in the Netherlands which helped more than 1000 people in healing their attachment style & finding more peace, rest and love in their relationship.

Out of all the attachment styles, the fearful avoidant one is the least understood, it has the least research and there are so many takes and misconceptions on it. Paulien is, besides helping people in their healing process, very passionate and committed to change this!

About Paulien & her healing journey

I am Paulien, and I’m from the Netherlands.

I am so happy you are here, because the fearful avoidant attachment style can have such a big impact on every part of your life. I’ve experienced it myself and I see so many people struggling with it. 

The good news is:  you can one hundred precent heal the fearful avoidant attachment style! And it’s my mission to help you with it. That’s why I developed the Healed & Happy program!

I can’t wait to start this healing journey with you…

Do you want to read more about my own healing journey? Watch the video!

Do you want to get more background info on the fearful avoidant attachment style: check out the rest of the video’s on my YouTube channel trough the button below!

Don’t forget: you are an absolute badass. You have so many beautiful gifts. You are so worthy. 

Lots of love,


What's the Healed & Happy program about?

Out of all the attachment styles, the fearful avoidant one is the least understood, it has the least research and there are so many takes and misconceptions on it. And the attachment style has such a big impact. That’s why I’m so happy you’re here. Because you can one hundred precent heal this!



> Look forward to the rest of your life
> Deeply connect with your partner and (possible future) children
> Create lifelong deeply, trusted and fulfilling friendships

> Fully being yourself, so you can live a life you thoroughly enjoy
> Honoring, respecting and loving yourself

The Healed & Happy program is developed in the form of an interactive app, where you will go through a foundational course that everybody goes through, and then after that you get assigned specific pathways, tailor made to what you need, based on a survey you fill out.  

We will keep on developing and building the program & and the pathways so they will cover the widest variety of subjects specific to the fearful avoidant attachment style. The long term vision for the program is to also have a team of therapists on board, with whom you can set up appointments for free. This will probably include an EFT master, a Kinesiologist, and a hormone and nutrition specialist.

At this point the program will be available for you for

$777  (first round price!) / $197 (4 months)


When you sign up for this first round, you will have lifetime access, and also have lifetime access to all the things Healing the Fearful Avoidant adds later on in the program.

Are you ready?

Do you want to find the peace, calm and unconditional love you long for? The Healed & Happy program will start your healing journey!

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