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Healing the Fearful Avoidant

Healing the Fearful Avoidant



5 Reasons WHY you deactivate as a fearful avoidant attachment

Hi! I’m Paulien and I’m so happy you are here! In this blog I’m going to tell you about five reasons why you deactivate as a fearful avoidant. Deactivation is confusing. But there are reasons why you deactivate and I think it can be very valuable to know why you do it, why you push your partner away, because that’s what deactivation is. It’s breaking the connection and pushing your partner away. So let’s just dive in! It might be …

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10 Ways you deactivate as a fearful avoidant

Hi! I’m Paulien and I’m so happy you are here. In this blog I’m going to tell you more about 10 ways you deactivate as a fearful avoidant. Deactivation is so confusing for both partners and understanding it better can really really help you. What is deactivation? Yes, it’s definitely attachment style lingo and I don’t want to run the risk of you not knowing it. So all the insecure attachment styles have deactivation and activation mechanisms. The anxious preoccupied …

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Why you long for passion as a fearful avoidant

Hi! I’m Paulien and I’m so happy you are here! In this blog we are going to talk about why you long for passion as a fearful avoidant. The better you understand yourself and why you want the things you want, the easier it’s going to be to recognize the patterns and to release them. Everything you want, you want for a reason and that reason is total fine! So it’s not wrong to want passion in your relationship. It’s …

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6 Triggers of the fearful avoidant attachment style

Hi! I’m Paulien and I’m so happy you are here! In this blog I’m going to talk about six fearful avoidant attachment style triggers. As a fearful avoidant it is super confusing if you don’t know what’s happening. Let’s dive in! So first of all, when you get triggered what can happen is that you get into what I call a ‘crash state’ which is pretty much when your fearful avoidant attachment style is triggered to the max and for …

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How I felt when I found out I was a fearful avoidant

Hi, I’m Paulien and I’m so happy you are here! In this blog I’m going to tell you more about how I felt when I found out that I was a fearful avoidant. I remember when I started researching the whole fearful avoidant attachment style, I got a lot of knowledge and research and it was a lot. It was actually quite overwhelming and there were not a lot of people that explained their personal journey in a way that …

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5 Reasons why you get REALLY annoyed at your partner as a fearful avoidant

Hi, I’m Paulien and I’m so happy you are here! In this blog I’m going to dive into five reasons why you get really annoyed at your partner as a fearful avoidant. Being annoyed is just no fun, of course. It doesn’t do anything for your relationship, it just doesn’t feel good. A lot of guilt is usually involved and I don’t want that for you. So let’s dive into the five reasons why you use this as a protection …

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5 Journal prompts to help you heal the fearful avoidant attachment style

Hi! In this blog I’m going to talk about five journal prompts to start healing the fearful avoidant attachment style. I am Paulien and I am so happy you are here because these are just very concrete questions you can sit down and just write out and they will definitely help you on your healing journey. So to start this off, when I was in the middle of my fearful avoidant attachment style trigger phase/crash state and I started healing, …

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The 7 signs you are healing the fearful avoidant attachment style

Hi! In this blog I am going to talk about seven signs you are healing the fearful avoidant attachment style. I am Paulien and I am so happy you are here because healing the fearful avoidant attachment style is not easy. It might even be the hardest one to heal out of all the attachment styles. And it is a journey. And on that journey, you will have moments where you doubt yourself, where you feel like you are not …

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The 6 lesser known causes of the fearful avoidant attachment style

Hi, I am so happy you’re here. In this blog I am going to talk about the six lesser known causes of the fearful avoidant attachment style. It can be that you looked up how the fearful avoidant attachment style develops and you saw that it has to do with severe abuse and you were like: ‘Well, that’s not me. I’ve had a pretty fairly happy childhood with parents who were always there for me, so that can’t be me’. …

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Should you be single to heal the fearful avoidant attachment style?

I am Paulien and I am so happy you are here! In this blog I am going to talk about whether you should stay single or be single to heal the fearful avoidant attachment style! I get this question a lot. There isn’t one straight answer to it. But.. the main answer is: NO. You absolutely do not have to be single to heal the fearful avoidant attachment style. If we would have to be fully healed and be completely …

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Five things I found the hardest in healing the fearful avoidant attachment style

I’m Paulien and I’m so happy you are here! In this blog I’m going to talk about 5 things I found the hardest in healing the fearful avoidant attachment style. You are on your healing journey and every journey looks different and there are hard moments and you will get through those too, even when you don’t really do anything. Just know that they are part of the healing journey as well Out of all the attachment styles, the fearful …

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Five core wounds of the fearful avoidant attachment style

I’m Paulien and I’m so happy you are here! In this blog I’m going to talk about 5 core wounds of the fearful avoidant attachment style. Knowing the core wounds will really help you to not feel alone and weird for having them. Unfortunately the fearful avoidant attachment style, out of all the attachment styles,  probably has the most core wounds. What I mean by ‘core wound’ is this where the most pain is associated with. So when this gets …

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