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Healed & Happy

Healed & Happy

  • Look forward to the rest of your life
  • Deeply connect with your partner, and (possible, future) children
  • Create and keep lifelong, deeply trusted and fulfilling friendships
  • Fully being yourself, so you can live the rest of a life you thoroughly enjoy
  • Honoring, respecting and loving yourself
  • Healed & Happy is here.
Healed & Happy program

How does Healed & Happy work?

The Healed & Happy program is set up through an app, where you get a tailormade journey through different modules specifically aimed at healing parts of the fearful avoidant attachment style. It is self paced, and when you finish one module, you get the next! 

Your journey to happy, safe and deeply loved

This is for you, if...

You know that there is more to life than struggle, fear, fights and anxiety.

You are ready for true calm, and unshakeable peace.

You are ready to truly feel safe, and live in abundance in all areas of their lives.

In this online program, you will...

Make healing feel safe, and easier

Step into a new reality where feeling safe, healed and happy is your normal

Deeply connect with yourself, your desires and your happiness

Create a world inside you and around you that supports you fully, while you are just being you

It includes...

Lifetime access to an online membership portal where you will always be able to access all materials

Access to an app where you can go through the program at your own pace, receive notifications, reminders and affirmations to extra support you on your healing journey

Personal involvement from Paulien by reviewing your progress and guiding you towards the next modules most relevant to you

Who is Paulien, and why can she help me?

The main reason is: Paulien has been there. In 8 years, she healed the Fearful Avoidant Attachment style by herself, mostly through EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and has helped over 1500 people in her Dutch programs do the same.

Besides that:

Paulien Timmer has written two books before she was 30. The first was ‘Lang+Gelukkig’ (freely translated: Happily Ever After), written after interviewing 100 couples happily married over 40 years) and ’50 Relatieboosters’ (translated: 50 relationshipboosters): all based on science and positive psychology. 

She is certified by John Gottman in Clinical Therapy (level 1), Attachment & Trauma (ITTI), and in Emotional Freedom Techniques, NLP Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapy, and many more. 

Overview of Healed & Happy

The program is built up of pathways, which consist several modules. After you’ve finished a pathway, Paulien assigns you your next pathway, based on the questions you provide. All you have to do is create an account when we send you an invitation, and the app will guide you through all the modules and pathways.

This is what the ‘First Pathway’ roughly looks like:


In this module you will learn the tools to make you healing journey much, much easier and faster. 

Module 1

In this module you will lay a foundation in the rest of your life to help aid your helaing, and make sure you aren’t struggling without getting anywhere.

Module 2

After this module you will have a complete mindshift around what you are worth and deserving of.

Module 3

In this module you will heal one of the most important core beliefs of the fearful avoidant attachment style, and clearly feel what it feels like to heal one.

Module 4

After this module you will feel so much calmer, and MUCH more at peace. You won’t have the need to be hyperalert anymore, and will allow yourself to truly relax.

Module 5

In this module you will heal a very surprising driving force of the FA. One that took me 8 years to figure out, and made a world of difference. After healing this, you will allow yourself so much more.

Module 6

After this module, you will finally allow yourself to deeply connect with yourself, your partner, friends and (possible) future children.

Module 7

In this module you will release everything that’s holding you back from being happy NOW. You will stop postponing your happiness and truly start enjoying your life, even while healing. 


After the first pathway you get assigned subsequent pathways based on your answers. These heal a wide variety of things, from codependency to procrastination, from perfectionism to waking up relaxed and rested.

These pathways are always added to and improved. The more pathways there are, the more valuable the program will be. Any added pathways in the future will be available to you when you sign up now, even for this first round price. 


Alex (USA)

"I did a lot of work prior to Paulien's course and when I found her video's, much of the inner patterns I had came conscious too.. it all came together understanding they all stemmed from this attachment style. Hearing her experiences and the things she thought or has said, we're almost the same or very similar to what I had already been trying to process and heal in my relationship and within myself. The course I was in prior was all about facing your shadow self and being very conscious about how we were actually showing up. I gained insight, but it was shared in a way that for me put healing in a negative way. I love that Paulien truly emanates her love throughout the entire course and I can really feel this from her. And her sharing we are ok just the way we are today even if we choose not to heal."

Eric (USA)

I have cried more times in the 3 days since I bought this than I have in the past 2 years. So much trauma has been released. I AM NOT EVEN DONE WITH PROGRAM and my bad thoughts the ones the course creator discusses and that I’m a bad person are subsiding. I’m feeling safer in my relationship. I know I am healing. I have been to so much therapy and none of it ever worked. I could only describe this program as the closest thing to taking a pill a day to heal yourself.

I wanted to post a review before I am finished because I want others to know to try it. It does work. It really does work. My head is becoming a safe space go be. My life my future isn’t being pulled away from me because I’m a “bad person”.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart paulien.

I’m not done, less than halfway through and this is helping me so much. I plan to also employ psychotherapy as well. But this this is fast. It will help and its good to know YOU ARE NORMAL YOU ARE NOT BROKEN. YOU CAN HEAL. THIS HAS HEALED WOUNDS I HAVENT HEALED IN MY 27 YEARS OF LIFE.

Kate Strong (New Zealand)

"Your course is fabulous. I'm learning so much and man it's tugging on my self esteem and what I have tolerated. It's really helping me to feel I deserve things better than I have them. And I am worth the effort'

Andris (Latvia)

"Just did Module 2 - Who you are. It almost brought tears to my eyes. This was the thing I was searching for the last 8 years Paulien, and maybe my whole life before that unconsciously due to attachment trauma.. My mind was so disorganized. I didn't know how to relate to myself and others. And after this I feel centered in myself. And I am very grateful for that. I approve this program so far cus you know, we (FA) can be quite motivated, so I have done some research. Thank you."


"You have legit helped me more than my therapist who I have been seeing for years, so you are doing an amazing job :))"

Tiger (USA)

"Paulien is amazing. I was using tapping before to heal from childhood trauma. But she does it in a different way "diving in" which is far more deeply healing. Plus, it's obvious that she escaped from the oppression of her emotions, she is so free and happy. She is an amazing cheer leader to urge me to dive deeper and deeper into the pain.

Paulien I love you for creating this incredibly beautiful course and training. I am DEVOTED to squeezing every last tiny drop of benefit of every video and every word and every exercise. Wow, wow, wow."

Is this program for you?

You are willing to take full responsibility for your own healing, you just need to know what to do.

You are truly ready to allow peace, calm and a lot of love into every area of your life.

You are ready to break generational patterns and allow yourself a life no generation before you had.

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